Dr. Sergio Oliván

Licenciado en Odontología. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos 2010. Máster en Endodoncia. Universidad de Alcalá. Máster en Od. Estética. Institución Universitaria Missisipi. Posgrado en Dolor Orofacial y Disfunción Craneomandibular. Posgrado en Medicina Oral del Sueño. Perito Judicial Especialista en Odontología.
Dr. Karl Haushofer

1979 bis 1984 Studium und Examen im Fach Zahnmedizin in Würzburg 01.01.1985 bis 31.12.1986 Assistent in der Klinik und Poliklinik für Kieferchirurgie Würzburg, Leiter: Prof. Dr.Dr. Jürgen Reuther 1986 Promotion mit dem Thema: “Neue Aspekte der Kieferhöhlenchirurgie” 01.01.1987 bis 31.03.1989 Leitung der Zahnstation Gebirgspanzerbataillon 8 in Pocking/Ndb.und Assistenzzeit 01.04.1989 bis 01.12.2015 Tätigkeit in eigener Zahnärztlicher Praxis […]
OrthoApnea Certificate July 2024

Last Friday, we had the pleasure of organizing a new certification course for OrthoApnea in the vibrant city of Málaga, Spain.It was a privilege to have the presence of Dr. Eduardo Vázquez. His passion and deep knowledge provided us with an intensive and enriching training on the latest advances in sleep apnea treatment with the […]
Dr. Mona Gast

Tannhelse Rogaland, Norwegian dental public service2010-2013Dentist and Clinical coordinator TSMG, Private dental clinic2013–2016Dentist, working during specialist training Oris Dental Madla, Private dental clinic2016-Specialist dentist, working with periodontitis, peri-implantitis, prosthodontics, endodontics. Treatment of patients with complex treatment needs /complex medical history.
IV anniversary of the Colombian Association of Dental Sleep Medicine (ACMEDES)

OrthoApnea had the honor of participating in the celebration of the 4th anniversary of the Colombian Association of Dental Sleep Medicine (ACMEDES), which took place at the prestigious Universidad Pontificia Javeriana in Bogotá, Colombia. This very special event featured the outstanding presence of our speaker for Colombia and Latin America, Dr. Constanza Melo, who enriched […]
OrthoApnea participates in the Dental Sleep Medicine Course in Gold Coast, Australia

At OrthoApnea, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to the Sleep Well AU-NZ team, Dr. Karina Patel and Oral Therapeutic Hygienist (OHT) Sarah Beach for inviting us to participate in the Dental Sleep Medicine Course, which took place on August 4th in the Gold Coast, Australia. We would also like to welcome all […]
Dr. Pedro Cebola

– Licenciatura em Prótese Dentária pela ESSEM – 2010 – Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Dentária pelo IUEM – 2016 – Doutorando em Ciências Biomédicas no IUEM – Pós-graduação em Oclusão, Disfunção Temporomandibular e Dor Orofacial pela ECDS – 2018 – Pós-graduação “TMD CAMP” organizado por Gruppo di Studio Italiano Disordini Craniomandibulari (GSID): Marina Di Carrara, […]
Dr. David Schwartz

David Schwartz DDS, DABDSM started his general restorative dental practice in the Chicago area in 1988. He is a graduate of Indiana University and the University of Illinois College of Dentistry and enjoys many fields of dentistry and has had a concentration in Dental Sleep Medicine for the last 25 years. He started the dental […]